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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20108


    The child chronic coughs 92 example clinical analyses

    Shi Yuyan1 Chen Lanlan2 Lou Wenji3

    【Abstract】Objective: Deliberates the child chronic cough the cause of disease, the clinical characteristic and the treatment. Methods: Through the inquiry medical history, the medical examination, the chest X inspection, the lung function, inspections and so on esophagus 24 hour pH value monitor are clear about the cause of disease, carries on the analysis to the child chronic cough cause of disease, gives the specificity treatment in view of the cause of disease. Results: 92 example child chronic cough cause of disease analysis discovered: The diagnosis (accounts for 30.43 for the cough changeability asthma 28 examples %), after the nose, the dripping syndrome [1] 18 examples (account for 19.57 %), the respiratory infections 18 examples (account for 19.57 repeatedly %), the mycoplasma infects 17 examples (to account for 18.48 %), the stomach esophagus regurgitation 7 examples (account for 7.61 %). After cause of disease specificity treatment the proportion baby coughs reduces or vanishing obviously. Conclusion: Child chronic cough cause of disease mainly after cough changeability asthma, nose dripping syndrome, repeatedly respiratory infections and mycoplasma infection. Inquired that the medical history and the good experimental diagnosis treatment effective is the diagnosis cause of disease key link.

    【Key words】Child; Chronic cough; Clinical analysis




    1.1一般资料:2007年10月-2010年2月,本科门诊及住院胸片正常的慢性咳嗽 患儿92例,其中男52例,女40例;<3岁(婴幼儿组)38例,4-6岁(学龄前 组)34例,7-14岁(学龄组)20例,平均(9±3)岁。就诊咳嗽时间2个月-1.5年,平均5.2个月。


    1.3治疗:确定病因后予以特异性治疗:咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)予以 2受体激动剂,每次吸入普米克气雾剂100-200ug,2-3次/天,并口服或吸入支气管扩张剂,连续4周以上。鼻后滴漏综合征(PNDS)予以鼻腔滴麻黄碱(5岁以下按1∶3稀释,5岁以上按1∶2稀释)晚上1次,2滴/次,同时鼻腔滴入丙酸倍氯米松50ug,2次/天,每次1喷,连续2周以上;有急性鼻窦炎者应用抗生素治疗,鼻窦有脓性分泌物者予以鼻窦穿刺或置换疗法,急性者疗程2周,慢性者疗程4周。感染后咳嗽给予抗生素治疗。支原体感染者予以阿奇霉素10mg/(kg•d)口服,1次/天口服,服3天停4天,连续3-4周。胃食管反流病(GERD):调整生活饮食习惯辅以药物治疗,奥美拉唑联合胃动力药多潘立酮口服,用药时间3个月以上。气管异物予以支气管镜下异物取出。


    咳嗽变异性哮喘28例(占30.43%),其中1-3岁2例,3-6岁10例,6-14岁16例;7例有夜间干咳加剧的特点,随访10个月后有3例出现喘息症状。鼻后滴漏综合征18例(占19.57%),其中3-6岁8例,6-14岁10例。感染后咳嗽18例(占19.57%),其中1-3岁10例,3-6岁6例,6-14岁2例。支原体感染17例(占18.48%)。胃食管反流病7例(占7.61%),其中1-3岁4例,3-6岁2例,6-14岁1例。嗜酸细胞性支气管炎3例(占3.26%)。支气管异物3例 (占3.26%)。92例慢性咳嗽患儿中16例为几种病因引起(占17.39%),其中2种病因同时存在12例,3种或3种以上病因同时存在4例,均为变异性哮喘(CVA)、鼻后滴漏综合征(PNDS)和/或胃食管反流病(GERD)合并存在。明确诊断后给予相应的治疗,93.48%(86例)的患儿在1-2周内咳嗽症状消失。仅7.61%(7例)的患儿3-6周咳嗽症状才逐渐控制,主要是鼻后滴漏综合征(PNDS)及慢性咽炎等病例。, http://www.100md.com(史玉艳 陈兰兰 楼文姬)
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